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Fredericton Scanner

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2025-02-12 05:58:20 PM2025-02-12 05:58:27 PMANB Dispatch - West 1 (Fredericton, Oromocto, McAdam, Fredericton Junction, Doaktown) (50918)[00:00.000 - 00:05.160] 139139 getting a call on Route 10 in Riffles.
2025-02-12 05:51:48 PM2025-02-12 05:52:08 PMFredericton PSAP South (53001)[00:00.000 - 00:01.000] Go ahead.
[00:01.000 - 00:02.000] 10-4.
[00:02.000 - 00:06.000] Do you guys have any wires down touching the vehicle or otherwise?
[00:06.000 - 00:07.000] Negative.
[00:07.000 - 00:08.000] No wires down.
[00:08.000 - 00:10.000] I'm just looking around.
[00:10.000 - 00:12.000] I do believe the power is off to it.
[00:12.000 - 00:17.000] The pole is broken, sitting on the ground at the time of the unit.
[00:17.000 - 00:18.360] 10-4.
2025-02-12 05:51:42 PM2025-02-12 05:51:44 PMFredericton PSAP South (53001)[00:00.000 - 00:01.800] Harvey Fire copy 459.
2025-02-12 05:50:11 PM2025-02-12 05:50:24 PMFredericton PSAP South (53001)[00:00.000 - 00:01.440] 10-4, give them a call.
2025-02-12 05:47:31 PM2025-02-12 05:47:43 PMFredericton PSAP South (53001)[00:00.000 - 00:02.000] 793 on scene.
[00:02.000 - 00:05.000] 10-4, 793 on scene at 1750.
[00:05.000 - 00:08.000] 792 is on scene.
[00:08.000 - 00:10.000] 10-4, 10-4.
2025-02-12 05:47:14 PM2025-02-12 05:47:26 PMFredericton PSAP South (53001)[00:00.000 - 00:02.880] Bumpur seven ninety five to class seven hundred.
[00:02.880 - 00:05.220] Tum four seven ninety five hundred.
2025-02-12 05:44:45 PM2025-02-12 05:44:59 PMFredericton PSAP South (53001)[00:00.000 - 00:09.400] 459 Harvey fire.
[00:09.400 - 00:12.240] Unit 793 responding as well.
2025-02-12 05:44:37 PM2025-02-12 05:44:42 PMFredericton PSAP South (53001)[00:00.000 - 00:02.880] 459, hurry fire 790s on route as well.
[00:02.880 - 00:04.860] 104790 on route.
2025-02-12 05:44:20 PM2025-02-12 05:44:30 PMFredericton PSAP South (53001)[00:00.000 - 00:02.000] 459, I have to be fired.
[00:02.000 - 00:03.000] Go ahead.
[00:03.000 - 00:05.000] 792 is leading 700.
[00:05.000 - 00:07.380] 10-4, 7-9, 200.
2025-02-12 05:42:26 PM2025-02-12 05:42:27 PMANB Dispatch - West 1 (Fredericton, Oromocto, McAdam, Fredericton Junction, Doaktown) (50918)[00:00.000 - 00:00.840] Good work.
2025-02-12 05:42:15 PM2025-02-12 05:42:18 PMANB Dispatch - West 1 (Fredericton, Oromocto, McAdam, Fredericton Junction, Doaktown) (50918)[Not transcribed yet]
2025-02-12 05:42:05 PM2025-02-12 05:42:12 PMANB Dispatch - West 1 (Fredericton, Oromocto, McAdam, Fredericton Junction, Doaktown) (50918)[00:00.000 - 00:01.000] Go ahead.
[00:01.000 - 00:04.000] Looks like we might have two patients in this rollover.
[00:04.000 - 00:06.080] Can you get another unit rolling?
2025-02-12 05:41:59 PM2025-02-12 05:42:01 PMANB Dispatch - West 1 (Fredericton, Oromocto, McAdam, Fredericton Junction, Doaktown) (50918)[00:00.000 - 00:02.200] I think Senator Harvey is 121.
2025-02-12 05:30:48 PM2025-02-12 05:30:58 PMDr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (50916)[00:00.000 - 00:04.160] I will get you to go to the kitchen.
[00:04.160 - 00:05.900] Ten four, thank you.
[00:05.900 - 00:35.880] Thank you.
2025-02-12 05:29:36 PM2025-02-12 05:30:42 PMDr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (50916)[00:00.000 - 00:02.760] And we have a four or five minutes though.
2025-02-12 05:28:33 PM2025-02-12 05:28:36 PMDr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (50916)[00:00.000 - 00:03.320] Thank you, Eric.
2025-02-12 05:12:49 PM2025-02-12 05:13:10 PMAnglophone West School District (AWSD) Bus & Transport for Western Schools (52208)[00:00.000 - 00:04.000] 807 calling 245. Tara, do you copy over?
[00:04.000 - 00:06.000] I do. Go ahead.
[00:06.000 - 00:10.000] Tara, can you give me a call when you have a second? Nothing urgent.
[00:10.000 - 00:14.000] I'll give you a call in a couple minutes here. 245 clear.
[00:14.000 - 00:16.000] Thanks so much. 807 clear to base 2.
2025-02-12 05:12:29 PM2025-02-12 05:12:36 PMAnglophone West School District (AWSD) Bus & Transport for Western Schools (52208)[00:00.000 - 00:04.000] Jeff, don't forget to wear your pajama pants inside out, eh?
[00:04.000 - 00:07.000] Already done, wait for it.
2025-02-12 05:12:20 PM2025-02-12 05:12:22 PMAnglophone West School District (AWSD) Bus & Transport for Western Schools (52208)[00:00.000 - 00:01.600] You know that?
2025-02-12 05:12:14 PM2025-02-12 05:12:16 PMAnglophone West School District (AWSD) Bus & Transport for Western Schools (52208)[Not transcribed yet]