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2025-02-12 02:16:59 PM2025-02-12 02:17:21 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[Not transcribed yet]
2025-02-12 02:16:54 PM2025-02-12 02:17:02 PMAnglophone West School District (AWSD) Bus & Transport for Western Schools (52207)[00:00.000 - 00:01.100] waiting for the bell.
[00:01.100 - 00:03.160] Okay, thank you.
[00:03.160 - 00:03.520] Thank you.
[00:03.520 - 00:33.500] Thank you.
2025-02-12 02:16:49 PM2025-02-12 02:16:52 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[00:00.000 - 00:01.500] Engine 3, it's right in front of me.
2025-02-12 02:14:13 PM2025-02-12 02:14:16 PMDr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (50916)[Not transcribed yet]
2025-02-12 02:13:55 PM2025-02-12 02:14:06 PMDr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (50916)[00:00.000 - 00:04.000] I heard pulse and blood pressure. I didn't hear.
[00:04.000 - 00:10.000] Pulse 71. Blood pressure 151/84. Respire rate of 18.
2025-02-12 02:13:21 PM2025-02-12 02:13:44 PMDr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (50916)[00:00.000 - 00:02.000] Dr. Lance, go ahead.
[00:02.000 - 00:05.000] Inbound cold. 26-year-old male patient playing hockey.
[00:05.000 - 00:08.000] Feels that he may have torn his ACL.
[00:08.000 - 00:11.000] He did this injury approximately a year ago.
[00:11.000 - 00:12.000] Doesn't feel the same.
[00:12.000 - 00:14.000] 10 on 10 pain.
[00:14.000 - 00:16.000] Personal time, he's having a little entomox.
[00:16.000 - 00:18.000] We're getting 10 milligrams of Toradol.
[00:18.000 - 00:21.000] Has bulk 71, respiratory rate of 18.
[00:21.000 - 00:22.000] Blood pressure.
2025-02-12 02:13:09 PM2025-02-12 02:13:12 PMDr. Everett Chalmers Regional Hospital (50916)[00:00.000 - 00:00.760] Thank you.
[00:00.760 - 00:02.080] Carter's Ambulance 139 Patriage.
2025-02-12 02:13:02 PM2025-02-12 02:13:13 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[00:00.000 - 00:01.460] 459 truck 2
[00:01.460 - 00:02.420] 4-1 truck 2
[00:02.420 - 00:03.680] Truck 2 is responding
[00:03.680 - 00:04.820] 10-4 on route
[00:04.820 - 00:07.040] 459 engine 4 is responding
[00:07.040 - 00:07.840] 10-4
2025-02-12 02:12:53 PM2025-02-12 02:12:57 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[00:00.000 - 00:02.780] 459 PC1 is responding.
2025-02-12 02:12:35 PM2025-02-12 02:12:49 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[00:00.000 - 00:00.840] Go ahead.
[00:00.840 - 00:02.420] Truck 1 responding.
[00:02.420 - 00:03.620] 10-4 en route.
[00:03.620 - 00:05.620] 4-9 rescue 1.
[00:05.620 - 00:06.760] Go ahead rescue 1.
[00:06.760 - 00:08.040] 3 responding.
[00:08.040 - 00:09.180] 10-4.
2025-02-12 02:12:31 PM2025-02-12 02:12:32 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[00:00.000 - 00:01.560] 459 truck 1
2025-02-12 02:11:47 PM2025-02-12 02:12:18 PMFredericton Fire Dispatch (60206)[Not transcribed yet]
2025-02-12 02:11:32 PM2025-02-12 02:11:44 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[00:00.000 - 00:02.000] 10-4, I'll read this back to them.
[00:02.000 - 00:03.680] 459, Engine 3.
[00:03.680 - 00:04.680] Client Engine 3.
[00:04.680 - 00:07.600] Responding, 1343 Lincoln Road.
[00:07.600 - 00:08.900] 10-4 Engine 3, Enroute.
2025-02-12 02:11:23 PM2025-02-12 02:11:29 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[00:00.000 - 00:06.200] Let's add Rescue 1, Truck 2, Engine 4 to that call as well, please.
2025-02-12 02:11:15 PM2025-02-12 02:11:20 PMFredericton Fire Suppression 1 (60200)[00:00.000 - 00:01.800] Go ahead, heathy one.
2025-02-12 02:10:27 PM2025-02-12 02:11:03 PMFredericton Fire Dispatch (60206)[00:00.000 - 00:13.240] Engine 3, Truck 1, respond to 1343 Lincoln Road, cross of Case Street and Adams Street,
[00:13.240 - 00:17.960] for the smell of smoke indoors is a possible fire under the water heater according to the
[00:17.960 - 00:18.960] homeowner.
[00:18.960 - 00:25.720] That's Engine 3 and Truck 1, respond to 1343 Lincoln Road, cross of Case and Adams, for
[00:25.720 - 00:31.480] a smell of smoke indoors, the caller thinks there might be a fire under her water heater
[00:31.480 - 00:34.440] but she cannot see flames or smoke.
[00:34.440 - 00:36.360] Time out of 1413.
2025-02-12 02:04:44 PM2025-02-12 02:06:01 PMUnknown (52201)[00:00.000 - 00:01.000] Thanks Jason.
[00:01.000 - 00:07.000] Yeah, you can bring it on up to the office there when you come in.
[00:07.000 - 00:13.000] Just when you get back to FHS, just bring it on in and we'll make sure Kathy gets it.
[00:13.000 - 00:14.000] Over.
[00:14.000 - 00:15.000] Right on.
[00:15.000 - 00:18.000] So you want me to bring it to your office or do you want me to bring it to the main office
[00:18.000 - 00:19.000] there in the school there?
[00:19.000 - 00:20.000] Over.
[00:20.000 - 00:22.000] You can bring it on up to us.
[00:22.000 - 00:25.000] I'll see Kathy there when she comes out to ask me to get on her bus.
[00:25.000 - 00:28.000] So yeah, if you want to bring it up to us, I'll make sure she gets it.
[00:28.000 - 00:29.000] Perfect.
[00:29.000 - 00:30.000] Okay, so I'll see you in a bit.
[00:30.000 - 00:31.000] Thanks so much.
[00:31.000 - 00:32.000] 8-07 clear to base.
[00:32.000 - 00:33.000] No, I'm on base 2-8-07 clear.
[00:33.000 - 00:34.120] I'm on the next two, eight, zero, seven, clear.
2025-02-12 01:57:10 PM2025-02-12 01:57:11 PMAnglophone West School District (AWSD) Bus & Transport for Western Schools (52207)[00:00.000 - 00:00.820] Not yet.
2025-02-12 01:52:46 PM2025-02-12 01:52:54 PMANB Dispatch - West 1 (Fredericton, Oromocto, McAdam, Fredericton Junction, Doaktown) (50918)[00:00.000 - 00:04.400] 131-131, getting a call in or about Phil Ritchie, please.
[00:04.400 - 00:05.560] Amen.
2025-02-12 01:51:16 PM2025-02-12 01:51:27 PMANB Dispatch - West 1 (Fredericton, Oromocto, McAdam, Fredericton Junction, Doaktown) (50918)[00:00.000 - 00:01.000] You're good.
[00:01.000 - 00:02.000] You're good.
[00:02.000 - 00:03.000] You're good.
[00:03.000 - 00:04.000] You're good.